Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why Did I Receive a Notice?

    The Court authorized that the Notice be disseminated because you or someone in your family has been identified as a potential Settlement Class Member who may have purchased certain Gatos Securities (and/or sold put options on Gatos common stock). The Court directed that the Long-Form Notice be made available to Settlement Class Members to explain the Litigation, Settlement Class Members’ legal rights, what benefits are available, who is eligible for them, and how to get them.

    Receipt of a Notice does not mean that you are a Member of the Settlement Class or that you will be entitled to receive a payment. The Parties do not have access to your individual investment information. If you wish to be eligible for a payment, you are required to timely submit the Proof of Claim.

    The Court in charge of the case is the United States District Court for the District of Colorado, and the case is known as Bilinsky v. Gatos Silver Inc. et al., No. 1:22-cv-00453-PAB-KLM. The individuals that sued, Bard Betz and Jude Sweidan, are called the Plaintiffs. Gatos and the individuals that the Plaintiffs sued, Stephen Orr, Roger Johnson, Philip Pyle, Janice Stairs, Ali Erfan, Igor Gonzales, Karl Hanneman, David Peat, Charles Hansard, and Daniel Muñiz Quintanilla, are called the Defendants.

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  2. What Is This Lawsuit About?

    This case was brought as a class action alleging violations of §§ 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) as well as §§ 11 and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) on behalf of a class of all Persons and entities who either (i) during the Class Period (December 9, 2020 through January 25, 2022, both inclusive) purchased or otherwise acquired Gatos common stock listed on the NYSE, or, in domestic transactions, purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded call options on Gatos common stock and/or sold publicly traded put options on Gatos common stock, and were damaged thereby; or (ii) purchased or otherwise acquired Gatos common stock pursuant or traceable to the 2020 Registration Statement or the 2021 Registration Statement, in domestic transactions or on the NYSE, and were damaged thereby. Among other things, the Amended Complaint alleges violations of the Exchange Act and the Securities Act premised on certain statements and omissions that Plaintiffs claim were false or misleading because they, inter alia, reported mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates for Gatos’ Cerro Los Gatos mine that were allegedly materially inflated at the time the statements were made without disclosing the allegedly materially inflated resources and reserves. Plaintiffs contend that these allegedly false and misleading statements and/or omissions artificially inflated Gatos’ stock price and when the alleged truth was eventually disclosed, the price of Gatos stock declined, resulting in substantial damages to the Settlement Class. Thus, Plaintiffs allege that Settlement Class Members overpaid for Gatos common stock (and traded in options on Gatos common stock at prices that allegedly were distorted by the allegedly inflated prices of Gatos common stock) during the relevant time period. Defendants have vigorously denied and continue to vigorously deny that they did anything wrong.

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  3. What Has Happened So Far in This Case?

    On February 22, 2022, the initial Class Action Complaint for Violations of the Securities Laws (the “Complaint”) was filed. On June 3, 2022, the Court entered an order appointing Bard Betz as Lead Plaintiff and approving Lead Plaintiff’s selection of Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP as Lead Counsel.

    The operative complaint in the Litigation, Plaintiffs’ Amended Class Action Complaint for Violations of the Securities Laws (the “Amended Complaint”), was filed on August 15, 2022. On October 14, 2022, Defendants moved to dismiss the Amended Complaint. Plaintiffs opposed the motion, which was fully briefed as of December 23, 2022.

    On April 13, 2023, the Parties submitted a Joint Motion to Stay Ruling on Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss that among other things asked that the Court stay any disposition on the pending motion to dismiss while the Parties considered a path forward for the Litigation. On April 26, 2023, the Court granted the Parties’ Joint Motion and agreed to postpone a ruling on the motion to dismiss until on or after June 16, 2023.

    On June 13, 2023, the Parties participated in a full-day mediation session before Robert Meyer of JAMS. After arm’s-length negotiations and the Parties’ exchange of multiple demands and counteroffers, the same day, Mr. Meyer made a formal mediator’s proposal that the case settle for $21 million. The Parties accepted the proposal and agreed to settle the Litigation for $21 million.

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  4. Why Is This a Class Action?

    In a class action, a class representative (in this case, the Court-appointed Lead Plaintiff Bard Betz) sues on behalf of people who have similar claims. Here, all these people are called the Settlement Class or Settlement Class Members. One court resolves the issues for all class members at the same time, except for those who timely and validly exclude themselves from the class (the process for which is described more fully in FAQ 14). Chief Judge Philip A. Brimmer is presiding over this class action.

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  5. Why Is There a Settlement?

    The Court did not decide in favor of Plaintiffs or Defendants. Instead, both sides agreed to a settlement. That way they avoid the cost and uncertainty of further litigation and a trial, and eligible Settlement Class Members who submit valid claims will receive compensation. Particularly in light of the possibility that continued litigation could result in no greater recovery than the Settlement—or no recovery at all—Plaintiffs and Lead Counsel believe the settlement is in the best interest of all Settlement Class Members.

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  6. How Do I Know if I Am Part of the Settlement?

    The Settlement Class includes all Persons and entities who or which either (i) during the period from December 9, 2020 to January 25, 2022, both inclusive (the “Class Period”), purchased or otherwise acquired Gatos common stock listed on the NYSE, or, in domestic transactions, purchased or otherwise acquired publicly traded call options on Gatos common stock, and/or sold publicly traded put options on Gatos common stock, and were damaged thereby; or (ii) purchased or otherwise acquired Gatos common stock pursuant or traceable to the 2020 Registration Statement or the 2021 Registration Statement, in domestic transactions or on the NYSE, and were damaged thereby. Certain Persons and entities are excluded from this definition, as described in FAQ 7.

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  7. What Are the Exceptions to Being Included?

    You are not a Settlement Class Member if you are a Defendant, a current or former Class Period officer or director of the Company, a member of the immediate family or the legal representative, affiliate, heir, successor-in-interest, or assign of any such excluded person, any entity in which such excluded persons have or had a majority interest, or the Electrum Group, LLC. However, any “Investment Vehicle” is not excluded from the Settlement Class. “Investment Vehicle” means any investment company, pooled investment fund, or separately managed account (including, but not limited to, mutual fund families, exchange traded funds, funds of funds, private equity funds, real estate funds, hedge funds, and employee benefit plans) in which the Underwriter Defendants, or any of them, have, has, or may have a direct or indirect interest, or as to which its affiliates may serve as a fiduciary or act as an investment advisor, general partner, managing member, or in any other similar capacity, but in which any of the Underwriter Defendants alone or together, with its, his, or her respective affiliates, is not a majority owner or does not hold a majority beneficial interest. Also excluded from the Settlement Class are those Persons who timely and validly request exclusion from the Settlement Class pursuant to the requirements set by the Court.

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  8. I’m Still Not Sure if I Am Included.

    If you are still not sure whether you are included, you can ask for free help. You can contact the Claims Administrator by phone at 877-757-6172, or you can complete an online Proof of Claim here to see if you qualify.

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  9. What Does the Settlement Provide?

    Gatos has agreed to cause to be paid $21 million in cash. This amount, plus any interest earned thereon, constitutes the Settlement Fund. The balance of this fund after payment of Court-approved attorneys’ fees and expenses and any awards to Plaintiffs and the costs of claims administration, including the costs of distributing the Notice and the cost of publishing newspaper notice, and Taxes and Tax Expenses, is the “Net Settlement Fund.” The Net Settlement Fund will be divided among all eligible Settlement Class Members who send in timely and valid Proofs of Claim in accordance with the Plan of Allocation, which can be found in the Long-Form Notice.

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  10. How Much Will My Payment Be?

    Your payment (if any) will depend on several things, including the total dollar amount of claims represented by the valid Proofs of Claim that Settlement Class Members submit; the number of Gatos Securities you purchased or acquired; how much you paid for those securities; when you purchased or acquired them; and if and when you sold your Gatos Securities and for how much. The Claims Administrator will apply the Plan of Allocation (which can be found in the Long-Form Notice) to calculate the amount of your Recognized Claim, and your payment (if any) will be a portion of the Net Settlement Fund equal to your Recognized Claim divided by the total of all Authorized Claimants’ Recognized Claims.

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  11. How Will I Obtain a Payment?

    To qualify for payment, you must be an eligible Settlement Class Member, send in a timely and valid Proof of Claim, and properly document your claim as requested in the Proof of Claim. A Proof of Claim may be downloaded from the Documents page, when available, and is also available in paper form by contacting the Claims Administrator by phone at 877-757-6172, or by mail at Gatos U.S. Securities Litigation, P.O. Box 5768, Portland, OR 97228-5768. Read the instructions carefully, fill out the form, include all the documents the form asks for, sign it, and mail it such that it is postmarked no later than June 19, 2024, or submit it online by no later than June 19, 2024. Proofs of Claim may also be completed and submitted online here.

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  12. When Will I Receive My Payment?

    The Court will hold a hearing on May 31, 2024, to decide whether to approve the Settlement. If Chief Judge Brimmer approves the Settlement, there may be appeals. It is always uncertain whether these appeals can be resolved, and resolving them can take time. It also takes time for all the Proofs of Claim to be processed. Please be patient.

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  13. What Am I Giving Up to Receive a Payment or Stay in the Settlement Class?

    Unless you timely and validly exclude yourself, you are a Settlement Class Member, and that means that you cannot sue, continue to sue, or be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants or any of their Related Parties about the Released Claims in this case. It also means that all of the Court’s orders, including a judgment (“Judgment”) dismissing the Litigation with prejudice on the merits, will apply to you and legally bind you and you will release all Released Claims in this case against the Defendants and their Related Parties.

    “Released Claims” means any and all claims (including Unknown Claims as defined below), rights, demands, losses, suits, debts, obligations, damages, judgments, controversies, liabilities, or causes of action of every nature and description whatsoever, in law, equity, or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any claims for damages, interest, attorneys’ fees, expert or consulting fees, and any other costs, expenses, or liabilities whatsoever), whether asserted or unasserted, accrued or unaccrued, fixed or contingent, whether arising under federal, state, local, common, or foreign law, or any other law, rule, or regulation, whether class or individual in nature, to the fullest extent that the law permits their release in this Litigation against any of the Defendants or their Related Parties, which arise out of, are based on, or relate to both: (i) the allegations, acts, transactions, facts, events, matters, occurrences, disclosures, statements, filings, events, representations, or omissions involved, set forth, alleged, or referred to in the Complaint, Amended Complaint, or the Litigation, or which could have been alleged in the Litigation; and (ii) the purchase, sale, holding, or other acquisition, disposition, or holding of Gatos Securities, whether on the NYSE or otherwise within the United States, between October 28, 2020 and January 25, 2022, both inclusive. Released Claims also include any and all claims (including Unknown Claims as defined below), rights, demands, losses, suits, debts, obligations, damages, judgments, controversies, liabilities, or causes of action of every nature and description whatsoever, in law, equity, or otherwise (including, but not limited to, any claims for damages, interest, attorneys’ fees, expert or consulting fees, and any other costs, expenses, or liabilities whatsoever), whether asserted or unasserted, accrued or unaccrued, fixed or contingent, whether arising under federal, state, local, common, or foreign law, or any other law, rule, or regulation, whether class or individual in nature, which arise out of, are based on, or relate to the institution, prosecution, or settlement of the Litigation or the Released Claims against Defendants or their Related Parties. Released Claims shall not include claims to enforce the Settlement. For avoidance of doubt and without limitation to other claims or potential claims not released hereby, Released Claims do not include any breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, or waste claims by or on behalf of Gatos against the Individual Defendants or other individuals, which claims are referenced in or may arise from the litigation demand sent by Kathleen Marcus on April 27, 2023.

    “Unknown Claims” means collectively (i) any Released Claims that Plaintiffs or Settlement Class Members do not know or suspect to exist in his, her, or its favor at the time of the release of the Released Parties which, if known by him, her, or it, might have affected such Settlement Class Member’s settlement or decisions with respect to the Settlement, including, but not limited to, the release of the Released Parties or the decision not to object to or opt out of this Settlement; and (ii) any Released Claims that Defendants and their Related Parties do not know or suspect to exist in his, her, or its favor at the time of the release, which, if known by him, her, or it, might have affected his, her, or its settlement with and release of Plaintiffs, Plaintiffs’ Counsel, and/or Settlement Class Members. With respect to any and all Released Claims, the Parties stipulate and agree that, upon the Effective Date, Plaintiffs, Defendants, and Defendants’ Related Parties shall expressly waive, and each of the Settlement Class Members shall be deemed to have waived, and by operation of the Judgment shall have expressly waived, any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by the law of any state or territory or other jurisdiction or principle of common law or foreign law that is similar, comparable, or equivalent to California Civil Code § 1542, which provides:

    A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.

    Plaintiffs, Settlement Class Members, Defendants, and Defendants’ Related Parties may hereafter discover facts in addition to or different from those which he, she, they, or it now knows or believes to be true with respect to the subject matter of the Released Claims, but Plaintiffs, Defendants, and Defendants’ Related Parties shall expressly fully, finally, and forever settle and release, and each Settlement Class Member, upon the Effective Date, shall be deemed to have, and by operation of the Judgment shall have, fully, finally, and forever settled and released, any and all Released Claims, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, contingent or non-contingent, whether or not concealed or hidden, which now exist, or heretofore have existed, upon any theory of law or equity now existing or coming into existence in the future, including, but not limited to, conduct which is negligent, intentional, with or without malice, or a breach of any duty, law or rule, without regard to the subsequent discovery or existence of such different or additional facts. Plaintiffs, Defendants, and Defendants’ Related Parties acknowledge, and Settlement Class Members shall be deemed by operation of law (including by operation of the Judgment) to have acknowledged, that the foregoing waiver was separately bargained for and is a key element of the Settlement.

    “Released Parties” means each and all of Defendants, each and all of their respective Related Parties, Plaintiffs, Settlement Class Members, and Plaintiffs’ Counsel.

    “Related Parties” means each of a Defendant’s past or present directors, officers, employees, partners, insurers, co-insurers, reinsurers, principals, controlling shareholders, members, agents, administrators, attorneys, accountants, auditors, bankers, underwriters, investment advisors, personal or legal representatives, predecessors, successors, direct and/or indirect parents, subsidiaries, divisions, joint ventures, partnerships, limited liability companies, affiliates, assigns, spouses, heirs, estates, related or affiliated entities, any entity in which a Defendant has a majority interest, any member of a Defendant’s immediate family, any trust of which a Defendant is the settlor or which is for the benefit of a Defendant and/or any member of a Defendant’s immediate family, and any entity in which a Defendant and/or any member of a Defendant’s immediate family has or had a majority interest (directly or indirectly).

    “Plaintiffs’ Counsel” means Lead Counsel Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP; Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell LLP; and The Schall Law Firm.

    The Judgment will also provide that upon the Effective Date, without any further action by anyone, Plaintiffs and each of the Settlement Class Members shall be deemed to have, and by operation of the Judgment shall have, fully, finally, and forever released, relinquished, compromised, settled, resolved, waived, discharged, and dismissed on the merits with prejudice all Released Claims (including, without limitation, Unknown Claims) against Defendants and their Related Parties, whether or not such Settlement Class Member executes and delivers a Proof of Claim or participates in the Settlement Fund. It is an important element of the Defendants’ participation in the Settlement, which Plaintiffs have acknowledged, that Defendants and their Related Parties obtain the fullest possible legally enforceable release from further liability to any Settlement Class Member relating to the Released Claims, and it is the intention of the Parties that all further liability of the Defendants and each of their Related Parties relating to the Released Claims hereby be eliminated. These releases and waivers were separately bargained for and are essential elements of the Stipulation and the Settlement.

    Moreover, upon the Effective Date, Plaintiffs and all Settlement Class Members, and anyone claiming through or on behalf of any of them, will be forever barred and enjoined from commencing, instituting, or continuing to prosecute any action or proceeding in any court of law or equity, arbitration tribunal, administrative forum, or other forum of any kind, asserting any of the Released Claims against any of the Defendants and their Related Parties, and each of them.

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  14. How Do I Get Out of the Settlement Class?

    To exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you must submit a written request for exclusion to the Claims Administrator online or by mail to the following address:

    Gatos U.S. Securities Litigation
    P.O. Box 5768
    Portland, OR 97228-5768

    You cannot exclude yourself by telephone or email. Your request for exclusion must state that you want to be excluded from Bilinsky v. Gatos Silver Inc. et al., No. 1:22-cv-00453-PAB-KLM, and must: (i) include your or an entity’s name, address, and telephone number; (ii) state that you or the entity wish to be “excluded from the Settlement Class” in this Litigation; (iii) include proof (such as stockbroker confirmation slips, stockbroker statements, or other documents) adequately evidencing the date(s), price(s), and number(s) of all Gatos Securities purchased and/or sold during the Class Period or purchased or acquired pursuant or traceable to the 2020 Registration Statement or the 2021 Registration Statement; and (iv) be signed by you or the entity requesting exclusion or their authorized representative (accompanied by proof of authorization). No request for exclusion will be considered valid unless it is timely and provides all of the information described above.

    Your exclusion request must be submitted online or received by the Claims Administrator no later than May 5, 2024.

    Do not submit a request for exclusion as well as an objection and/or Proof of Claim. If you do so, your objection and/or Proof of Claim will be disregarded, and you will be excluded from the Settlement Class.

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  15. If I Do Not Exclude Myself, Can I Sue the Defendants for the Same Thing Later?

    No. Unless you timely and validly exclude yourself, you give up any right to sue the Defendants and their Related Parties for the Released Claims in this Settlement. If you have a pending lawsuit against any of these parties, including the Defendants, speak to your lawyer in that case immediately. Remember, the exclusion deadline is May 5, 2024.

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  16. If I Exclude Myself, Can I Receive Money From This Settlement?

    No. If you exclude yourself, you are not a Settlement Class Member and cannot submit a Proof of Claim.

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  17. Do I Have a Lawyer in This Case?

    The Court appointed the law firm of Bleichmar, Fonti & Auld LLP to represent you and other Settlement Class Members. These lawyers are called Lead Counsel. You will not be directly charged for these lawyers. They will be paid from the Settlement Fund to the extent the Court approves their application for fees and expenses. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense.

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  18. How Will the Lawyers Be Paid?

    Lead Counsel will ask the Court for attorneys’ fees not to exceed 28% of the Settlement Amount, and for expenses in an amount not to exceed $325,000, plus interest that is incurred on these amounts at the same rate as earned by the Settlement Fund. Such sums as may be approved by the Court will be paid from the Settlement Fund.

    The attorneys’ fees and expenses requested will be the only payment to Lead Counsel for its efforts in achieving this Settlement and for its risk in undertaking this representation on a wholly contingent basis. Lead Counsel has committed a substantial amount of time and significant expenses in litigating this case for the benefit of the Settlement Class. To date, Lead Counsel has not been paid for its services in conducting this Litigation on behalf of Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class, nor for its expenses. The fees requested will compensate counsel for its work in achieving the Settlement Fund for the benefit of the Settlement Class.

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  19. How Do I Tell the Court That I Do Not Like the Settlement?

    If you are a Settlement Class Member, you can object to the Settlement if you do not like any part of it, including the Plan of Allocation and the request for attorneys’ fees or expenses. You can state the reasons why you think the Court should not approve it. The Court will consider your views. To object, you must send a letter saying that you object to the Settlement in Bilinsky v. Gatos Silver Inc. et al., No. 1:22-cv-00453-PAB-KLM, which must (1) include the objector’s name, address, and telephone number; (2) provide documentation establishing the objector’s membership in the Settlement Class, including documents showing the type and number of Gatos Securities purchased, acquired, and sold during the Class Period or purchased or acquired pursuant or traceable to the 2020 Registration Statement or the 2021 Registration Statement, as well as the dates and prices of each such purchase, acquisition, and sale; (3) contain a statement of reasons for the objection, including whether it applies only to the objector, to a specific subset of the Settlement Class, or to the entire Settlement Class; (4) identify any other class action settlement(s) in which the objector or the objector’s attorney has objected; (5) include copies of any papers or other documents upon which the objection is based; and (6) include the objector’s signature, even if represented by counsel. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, any Settlement Class Member who does not object in the manner described in the Notice will be deemed to have waived any objection and will be foreclosed from making any objection to the proposed Settlement, the Plan of Allocation, and/or Lead Counsel’s Fee and Expense Application.

    Any objection must be mailed or delivered such that it is received by each of the following (not simply postmarked) no later than May 10, 2024:

    Court Lead Counsel Counsel for Gatos and the Individual Defendants Counsel for the Underwriter Defendants
    Clerk of the Court
    Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse
    901 19th Street
    Denver, CO 80294
    Joseph A. Fonti
    Times Square Tower
    7 Times Square, 27th Floor
    New York, NY 10036
    Emailed copy to
    Michael S. Flynn
    450 Lexington Avenue
    New York, NY 10017
    Audra J. Soloway
    1285 Avenue of the Americas
    New York, NY 10019

    Unless the Court orders otherwise, any Settlement Class Member who does not object in the manner described above will be deemed to have waived any objection and shall be forever foreclosed from making any objection to any aspect of the proposed Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation, or Lead Counsel’s request for an award of attorneys’ fees and expenses. Settlement Class Members do not need to appear at the Fairness Hearing or take any other action to indicate their approval.

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  20. What is the Difference Between Objecting and Excluding?

    Objecting is simply telling the Court that you do not like something about the Settlement. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement Class. Excluding yourself is telling the Court that you do not want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you exclude yourself, you have no basis to object because the case no longer affects you.

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  21. When and Where Will the Court Decide Whether to Approve the Settlement?

    The Court will hold a fairness hearing on May 31, 2024, at the Alfred A. Arraj United States Courthouse, in Courtroom A701, 901 19th Street, Denver, Colorado. At this hearing the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate, consider any objections, and listen to people who have asked to speak at the hearing. The Court may move the date or time of the fairness hearing to a later date and/or time without further written notice to you. If the date or time of the fairness hearing is changed, the new date and/or time will be posted on this website.

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  22. Do I Have to Come to the Hearing?

    No. Lead Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have, and Settlement Class Members do not need to appear at the hearing or take any other action to indicate their approval. If you send an objection or statement in support of the settlement, you are not required to go to Court to discuss it; you may pay your own lawyer to attend, or attend at your own expense, but you are not required to do so.

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  23. May I Speak at the Hearing?

    If you have timely filed an objection, you may ask the Court for permission to speak at the fairness hearing. To do so, your written objection must (in addition to the information specified in FAQ 19) state your intention to appear at the hearing, and must include the identity of any witnesses you may call to testify and copies of any exhibits you intend to introduce into evidence at the fairness hearing. You cannot speak at the hearing if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class.

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  24. What Happens If I Do Nothing at All?

    If you do nothing, you will be a Settlement Class Member. However, you will not receive any money from this Settlement unless you submit a Proof of Claim. Unless you exclude yourself, you won’t be able to start a lawsuit, continue with a lawsuit, or be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants or their Related Parties about the Released Claims.

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  25. How Do I Get More Information?

    Review the Documents page to find important Court documents in the case. The Long-Form Notice summarizes the proposed Settlement and does not describe all of the details of the Settlement. More details are in the Stipulation dated September 12, 2023. You can obtain a copy of the Stipulation here. If you have questions about the Settlement, you can contact the Claims Administrator or Lead Counsel.

    To contact the Claims Administrator:

    Call: 1-877-757-6172
    Write to:
    Gatos U.S. Securities Litigation
    P.O. Box 5768
    Portland, OR 97228-5768

    To contact Lead Counsel:

    Call: 1-888-879-9418
    Write to:
    Joseph A. Fonti, Bleichmar Fonti & Auld LLP
    Times Square Tower
    7 Times Square
    27th Floor
    New York, NY 10036


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